To unite churches for the proclamation of the Gospel.
Through a united effort, to establish a church or mission point in every region of Lithuania.
Vision for 2013-2035
- To plant Pentecostal church or mission point in 60 municipalities. In all ten geographic districts of Lithuania to have Union Church responsible for evangelizing the district.
At the moment Union churches and missions are just in 23 municipalities. - Till 2035 year to plant Pentecostal church or mission point in each town of Lithuania (now there are 103 towns) and large villages (with population over 1000). There are 150 of such towns and villages all over Lithuania.
Core Values
- Love – Fulfilling God’s will by sacrificing for each other.
- Pentecostal – Baptized in the Holy Spirit and functioning in gifts of the Spirit.
- Prayer
- Dedication – Giving yourself to God, his calling and to each other.
- Faithfulness – Do what you say.
- Unity – The ability to use our differences for one goal.
- Humility – To hold others higher than yourself.